سبيل قاسم باشا – بالمسجد
الاقصى - فلسطين
يقع سبيل قاسم باشا بين
المدرسة الأشرفية غربا، والصحن الغربي للصخرة المشرفة شرقا، في الساحات الغربية
للمسجد الأقصى المبارك. ويسمى أيضا سبيل باب المحكمة, نسبة إلى باب السلسلة الذي يقع بالقرب منه. بناه والي القدس
قاسم باشا، في عهد السلطان العثماني سليمان القانوني عام 933هـ – 1527م، وسمي
باسمه. وظلت مياه
السبيل تسحب من البرك التي أقامها سليمان خارج المدينة حتى نهاية العهد البريطاني،
أما اليوم فمياهه من مشروع المياه القُطريّ. ويتخذ السبيل شكلا مثمن ، تنزل إليه بدرجات،
من فوقه سقف خشبي يحجب أشعة الشمس عن مستعمليه، ويقلل من ضغط الرياح القارصة ليلا
والأمطار النازلة شتاء، وقد مر السبيل بعملية ترميم في سنة 1997م، من قبل لجنة
الإعمار التابعة لدائرة الأوقاف الإسلامية.
For Basha- Qasim Al-Aqsa
Mosque - Palestine
For Qasim Pasha Ashrafieh between the school is located to the west, and saucer Western rock supervising the east, in the western squares of the Al-Aqsa Mosque. Also called for the door of the court, relative to the door chain, which is located close to him. Builders to Jerusalem Qasim Pasha, during the reign of the Ottoman Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent in 933 E - 1527, and named after him. The way water has been withdrawn from the ponds built by Suleiman outside the city until the end of the British era, but today Femiaha of the National Water Project. And take a way a form octagonal, down to degrees, from above the wooden roof obscures the sun for its users, and reduces wind biting at night pressure and rain coming down winter, has over the way the process of restoration in the year 1997, by the Committee of the Department of Islamic Endowments reconstruction.
Reference: Mahmoud Fattouh Mohammed Saadat, psychological and social virtues and values to build a charitable endowment water fountains (Encyclopedia River Favors current), Part I: building water fountains 0.1436 e.
For Qasim Pasha Ashrafieh between the school is located to the west, and saucer Western rock supervising the east, in the western squares of the Al-Aqsa Mosque. Also called for the door of the court, relative to the door chain, which is located close to him. Builders to Jerusalem Qasim Pasha, during the reign of the Ottoman Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent in 933 E - 1527, and named after him. The way water has been withdrawn from the ponds built by Suleiman outside the city until the end of the British era, but today Femiaha of the National Water Project. And take a way a form octagonal, down to degrees, from above the wooden roof obscures the sun for its users, and reduces wind biting at night pressure and rain coming down winter, has over the way the process of restoration in the year 1997, by the Committee of the Department of Islamic Endowments reconstruction.
Reference: Mahmoud Fattouh Mohammed Saadat, psychological and social virtues and values to build a charitable endowment water fountains (Encyclopedia River Favors current), Part I: building water fountains 0.1436 e.
对于Basha-卡西姆阿克萨清真寺 - 巴勒斯坦
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